A Google alert just popped up on my computer. It brought me to "Fiery Cross" website which is clearly associated with the KKK. [The picture at left appears on the website.]
The site carries a post from David Irving's website entitled:
Lipstadt: Am I my brother's keeper?
Irving begins with a discussion [quite exaggerated of course] of the Bruges affair. He then goes on to identify Marc Kalmann as my brother. Here's what Irving has to say:
Kalmann is the brother of Atlanta Professor Deborah Lipstadt, and she has gone straight into brother-denial. (Don’t ask us how they come to use different family names: I remember once interviewing Julius Streicher’s son, also a Streicher, for Hard Copy (US television), and him retorting, “We are not the sort of people who change our names.")
He "proves" his point by quoting the post sent to me by Kalmann's brother.
Changing names is the kind of things that the Lipstadt’s of this world do more often than others.
What a joke. Irving can't figure out that I was quoting the brother NOT identifying Marc Kalmann as my brother.
Attempting to paint me as frightened that this news of "my brother", i.e. Marc Kalmann might emerge and come to my ears, Deborah Lipstadt has rushed to her damage-control panel, groped in the darkness of her own delirium for the button marked “DENIAL!” but pushed the one marked “PANIC” by mistake. The Internet is awash with fun at her expense.
Someone must have pointed out to David Irving his colossal mistake because when you go to his website the post is gone. www.fpp.co.uk/Auschwitz/Lipstadt/brother_Marc_Kalmann.html
My thanks to the KKK site for capturing it.
What a hoot. Irving [and his friends] can't even read documents he is not trying to lie about.
Don't know where else to send this to you, Prof. Lipstadt. It's amazingly good news up here in Canada.
OTTAWA -- Canada has withdrawn its support for a U.N. anti-racism conference scheduled to take place in South Africa next year after deeming it to be anti-Israel, a government official said Wednesday.
The so-called Durban II conference "has gone completely off the rails" and Canada wants no part of it, said Jason Kenney, Canada's secretary of state for multiculturalism and Canadian identity.
"We'll attend any conference that is opposed to racism and intolerance, not those that actually promote racism and intolerance," he said.
Kenney said that during the 2001 World Conference Against Racism in Durban, Arab and Muslim countries criticized Israel, prompting Israel and the United States to walk out in protest. But he added that Canada remained to speak up for Israel.
The U.N. declined to comment directly on Canada pulling out of the conference, but U.N. spokeswoman Marie Okabe said "racism is too important an issue for member states not to work out their differences."
Kenney said his government was left with no choice but to abandon the process, expressing displeasure with Libya elected to chair the gathering, Cuba appointed vice-chair, and Iran named to the organizing committee.
"This (Iran) is a country whose government has publicly expressed its desire to eliminate the only Jewish country in the world," he said.
Source: seattlepi.nwsource.com via infomatique
OTTAWA — Canada has withdrawn its support for a UN anti-racism conference slated to take place in South Africa next year, the federal government announced Wednesday.
The so-called Durban II conference “has gone completely off the rails” and Canada wants no part of it, said Jason Kenney, secretary of state for multiculturalism and Canadian identity.
“Canada is interested in combating racism, not promoting it,” Kenney told The Canadian Press. “We’ll attend any conference that is opposed to racism and intolerance, not those that actually promote racism and intolerance.
“Our considered judgment, having participated in the preparatory meetings, was that we were set for a replay of Durban I. And Canada has no intention of lending its good name and resources to such a systematic promotion of hatred and bigotry.”
The 2001 World Conference Against Racism in Durban turned into “a circus of intolerance,” Kenney said.
One government official on Wednesday called the conference “a gong show.”
Arab and Muslim countries ganged up in their criticisms of Israel. Israel and the United States walked out in protest; the Liberal government of the day remained in an effort to decry the attacks.
With Libya elected to chair the next gathering, Cuba appointed vice-chair and rapporteur, and anti-Israel rhetoric and actions building, Kenney said his government was left with no choice but to abandon the preparatory process for the followup meeting.
B’nai Brith Canada applauded the government, saying Durban I “degenerated into a hate-fest directed at Israel and the Jewish delegates attending the conference.”
The group’s executive vice-president, Frank Dimant, said Ottawa has acted “clearly and decisively by refusing to participate in a venue that pays lip service to anti-racism but in fact provides a platform for the promotion of hatred and bigotry.”
Kenney noted important preparatory meetings have been called on Jewish high holidays, preventing Israeli officials from participating.
The UN gave planning oversight for the conference to its Human Rights Council, which has targeted Israel in 14 of its 15 resolutions charging human-rights violations in its first two years of existence.
“We’ve tried to influence it so that we would not revisit the overt expressions of hatred which came out of the original conference,” said Kenney. “But we unfortunately ran into a brick wall.
“The process has been hijacked by those who would seek to replay the terrible experience of the first Durban conference.”
Iran was named to the organizing committee, Kenney noted.
“This is a country whose government has publicly expressed its desire to eliminate the only Jewish country in the world,” he said.
Furthermore, all of the non-governmental organizations invited to the first conference have been invited back to the second, including those that were at the “forefront of the hatred,” some of which posted pro-Hitler posters at the 2001 gathering.
Concluded Kenney: “If we felt there was any realistic chance that Canada could help to positively influence the process, we would stay involved. . . . By making this bold decision, Canada may send a wake-up call to the Durban organizers and other countries.”
"What a hoot. Irving [and his friends] can't even read documents he is not trying to lie about."
LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!! What a hoot is right! What a freakin' idiot. :-))
Irving needs to learn that it's not the done thing to mention Hitler, Himmler, Heydrich. Eicke or Julius Streicher, etc, in print without 'warning others that they are war criminals condemned by their own acts and insane beliefs. It's not his duty, or anyone else's, to explain their acts in some reasonable manner to others - thereby perpetuating the myth that these criminals were wronged men.
You would think Irving who knows better than most of us let us say, the history of Barracks 10 & 11 Auschwitz, or Camp 2 Treblinka, or about the thousands of random murders committed on the 'quarry steps at Mauthausen quarry, this would be enough to sour him of the Nazis forever? Maybe someone should tell him the Nazis killed blonde haired, blue eyed Aryans too. It's this abnormality of reasoning powers on his part which is so disquieting about him,
"Changing names is the kind of things that the Lipstadt’s of this world do more often than others."
Any idea what he means by that? Something about that strikes a chord with me as being particularly rotten.
hume's ghost asked what he means by "the Lipstadt's of the world would do more often than others"
He is implying that Lipstadt [or maybe Kalmann] is a Jewish name and I am of the ilk to change my name so that people will not know I am a Jew...
What a fantasy world the man occupies ...
Re: Canada and the UN conference
This is a problem rooted in what the UN is supposed to be. If you want to have a forum for *all* countries on this planet, it must then include dictatorships and countries run by people who do not share our values. So, in a way, you know what you're getting into if you're attending a UN conference on racism.
We can stop talking with such countries like Iran and Libya, but that would mean simply destroying the UN.
Re the UN.
Since 9-11 millions of people have decided that there are only eighteen nations who really matter to them, these nations are the big pals group of: The USA, Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, and in Europe: Germany, Austria, Holland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and Poland. You can include Israel here because of our love for the under-dog, or for those who have had a raw deal. What these UN parasite countries don't realise is; if you attack America - then you attack us and we mark your score-card accordingly. You can call this my "Don't worry America -We will protect" post." Fairplay. England.
I changed my name to my Christian name (yes, I know, but in my case it is just that), my mother's and grandmother's maiden names. My brother is more conventional and kinder to our father, I suppose, and has the name he was born with. He's still my brother. I think he still thinks I'm his sister. Name changes signify different things for different people.
Oh, and Irving is an idiot. Flogging that horse would be pointless had he not brought you into the idiocy.
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